Minutes of ordinary general meeting in Columbus IT Partner A/S held on 24 April 2003
Minutes of ordinary general meeting in Columbus IT Partner A/S held on 24 April 2003
April 24, 2003 at 12:00 AM CEST
Stock Exchange Release no. 5 - Minutes of Ordinary General Meeting 24 April 2003 Columbus IT Partner A/S - Quintus Bastion - Krudtløbsvej - 1439 Copenhagen K Telephone: +45 70 20 50 00 - Telefax: +45 70 25 07 01 CVR-no.: 13 22 83 45 Page 1/1 Stock Exchange Release no. 5/2003 Minutes of ordinary general meeting in Columbus IT Partner A/S held on 24 April 2003 At Columbus IT Partner A/S' Ordinary General Meeting on 24 April 2003, the annual report for 2002 and the Board of Directors' report were adopted. The Board of Directors' proposal to transfer the result for the year of DKK -99.9 million to set off against share premium account and loss carried forward, was approved. The Board of Directors and Management were granted discharge. The general meeting authorised the board of directors for a period of 18 months from the date of the general meeting to acquire up to 10 per cent of the Company's share capital against payment which shall not deviate more than 10 per cent up or downwards from the latest listed price of the shares at the Copenhagen Stock Exchange prior to the acquisition. The General Meeting re-elected Niels Heering, Michael Gaardboe, Birgit Aagaard-Svendsen and Frosti Bergsson to the Board of Directors. Jørn Meldgaard did not stand for re-election to the Board of Directors which thus consists of 4 members. PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte & Touche State-Authorized Public Accounting Company were reappointed as the Company's auditors. The general meeting unanimously adopted the board of directors' proposal to decrease Columbus IT Partners' share capital from nominally DKK 40,179,975 to nominally DKK 10,044,993.75 to cover loss. Simultaneously, the board of directors was authorised to carry out a capital increase until 30 April 2004 by up to nominally DKK 40,179,975 at a subscription price down to DKK 3 per share on specific terms - the proposal is described in detail in Stock Exchange Release no. 4/2003 (15 April 2003). The authorisation to the board of directors in Article 5.2 of the Articles of Association was extended to 23 April 2008 and increased to nominally DKK 1,250,000, and the authorisations to the board of directors in Articles 6.1 and 6.4 were extended to 23 April 2004 and increased to nominally DKK 4,750,000. Other proposals, as described in the notice of the general meeting, cf. Stock Exchange Release no. 4/2003 (15 April 2003), were unanimously adopted. Niels Heering Carsten Dilling Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer Columbus IT Partner A/S Columbus IT Partner A/S Contacts for further information: Chief Executive Officer Carsten Dilling or Business Development Executive Jan Bitterhoff, tel.: + 45 70 20 50 00.