Financial calendar 2003 for Columbus IT Partner A/S

January 31, 2003 at 12:00 AM EST
Stock Exchange Release no. 1 - Financial Calendar 2003
31 January 2003

Columbus IT Partner A/S - Quintus Bastion - Krudtløbsvej - 1439 Copenhagen K
Telephone: +45 70 20 50 00 - Facsimile: +45 70 25 07 01
CVR-no.: 13 22 83 45


Stock Exchange Release no. 1/2003

Financial calendar 2003 for Columbus IT Partner A/S

The Board of Directors for Columbus IT Partner A/S has approved the following
time plan for publication of accounts in 2003, as well as the date for the
Ordinary General Meeting: 

Annual Report 2002 12 March 2003
General Meeting 24 April 2003
Interim Report 1Q 2003 15 May 2003
Interim Report 1-2Q 2003 15 August 2003
Interim Report 1-3Q 2003 14 November 2003

Niels Heering           Carsten Dilling
Chairman of the Board   CEO
Columbus IT Partner A/S Columbus IT Partner A/S