Minutes of Ordinary General Meeting in Columbus IT Partner A/S held on 23 April 2007

April 23, 2007 at 1:36 PM CEST
At Columbus IT Partner A/S' Ordinary General Meeting on 23 April 2007, the
annual report for 2006 and the Board of Directors' report were adopted. The
Board of Directors' proposal to transfer the result for the year as retained
earnings was approved. The Board of Directors and Management were granted

The General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors for a period of 18 months
from the date of the General Meeting to acquire up to 10 per cent of the
Company's share capital against payment which shall not deviate more than 10
per cent up or downwards from the latest listed price of the shares at the
Copenhagen Stock Exchange prior to the acquisition. 

The General Meeting re-elected Ib Kunøe, Jørgen Cadovius and Claus Hougesen to
the Board of Directors. Sven Madsen was elected as new member to the Board of
Directors. Michael Gaardboe did not stand for re-election. 

Sven Madsen is CFO in Consolidated Holdings A/S, CFO in Columbus IT Partner
A/S, and attends a number of management duties in subsidiaries and associated
companies in the Consolidated Holdings A/S group. 

Deloitte State-Authorized Public Accounting Company was reappointed as the
Company's auditor, and pursuant to the Articles of Association the Company has
just one auditor. 

Ib Kunøe				Michael Gaardboe
Chairman of the Board		Chief Executive Officer
Columbus IT Partner A/S		Columbus IT Partner A/S

Contact for further details:
Michael Gaardboe, CEO or Sven Madsen, CFO, T: (+45) 70 20 50 00.

Translation: In the event of any inconsistency between this document and the
Danish language version, the Danish language version shall be the governing